Slow Pharmacy - Bottle Plant - Melaleuca Alternifolia

Item number 9906447

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The Tea Tree Melaleuca Alternifolia flask

Slow Pharmacy has designed this product especially for the enthusiasts of interior design, for those who care about details: placed on a table or a small shelf, it will be the one that will come highlight the furniture around it.

Each plant is selected and delicately inserted by hand into its bottle in Seoul. The beauty of this product lies in the fact that each plant is different and unique.

Real plant
Handmade in South Korea
Contents of 200ml
Size of 21.5 cm x 4.5 cm
Each plant is different, each model is unique: the size and shape of the plant can vary.
Do not drink the liquid
Australian Tea Tree in a bottle

Australia once again offers us a decorative plant treat that does not need to be watered. With its hardiness and ground cover roots, this superb tree, which can measure 4 to 6 metres, gives its branches to offer in these small bottles that bring out the bright colour of its leaves.

A plant in motion

This dynamic plant will easily find its place in your home. It will be bright on a white or clear wall, on a window you will see a play of transparency on the leaves and on a bookcase or a piece of furniture it will blend perfectly with your interior decoration. 

With its scarlet green colour, finding the ideal location for your vial will be child's play. The simplest way is to look where the light exposure will be strong to make the surrounding liquid shine, on dark furniture to bring out the beautiful greenish hues of the leaves.

For your interior design, the ideal would be to present it in an environment that fits perfectly with this type of design product: an abstract wall painting, or even a small wooden sculpture. Something to hold the attention of your guests just through a carefully chosen location.